Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Campbelltown

We're part of a bigger church family, the Lutheran Church of Australia. Together we want to be a place where love comes to life. We believe that God's love is for everyone everywhere and we want you to see how his love comes to life in us - and in you.
16 Eschol Park Drive, Eschol Park
(on the corner of Albillo Place)
02 9603 1273
Worship dates and times below
Worship Services & Events
Sunday Service
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Campbelltown
Sunday Service
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Campbelltown
Sunday Service
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Campbelltown
Sunday Service
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Campbelltown
Featured Sermons
Preparation for Pentecost
John 20:19-23
week before Pentecost
When condemnation is CROSSED with forgiveness
John 8:2-11
16th Sunday after Pentacost
The Redemption, the forgiveness of sins
Colossians 1:13-14
Redemption, the forgiveness of sins
Life at Good Shepherd

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Meet Michael, one of our members

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