Whoever you are, whatever your story, we're here for you
Our Team
We are a very friendly and hospitable group of people. Only about half of our congregation comes from a Lutheran background. This diverse mix has allowed our people to modernise our worship style and become involved in other community events.
While we don’t have a pastor at present, we are ably led by a wonderful group of lay people who volunteer their time to handle administrative duties as well as ensuring that worship services happen each week.
Please contact us if you have any questions or if we can help in any way.

John Hows
Admin team leader and chairman
I have been a member of Good Shepherd Church for about 17 years. I have been a Christian for many more years, deciding to make Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour in my teenage years. Following Jesus, I have grown in grace and now that our church is without a pastor, I feel able to serve the congregation.
As leader of the admin team, I hope to encourage everyone who attends our church to worship the Living God, to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and to be guided by the Spirit in adventures yet to be revealed.
As a lay preacher, I trust that my meditation on the Scriptures will reveal God and how he has given the gift of salvation to all who believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that eternal life begins now and will only get better.

Merrion Hoffmann
music & service coordinator
I have been serving as the Worship/Music Ministry Team Leader at Good Shepherd for 26 of my 36 years as a member.
Good Shepherd has been a place of warmth and community. There have been great opportunities to serve, grow and use the gifts God has given me and to allow my five children to experience a rich and vibrant Sunday school and youth ministry.
I am passionate about Christ-centred worship, seeing people digging into the Word of God and seeking a personal relationship with Jesus – and of course, nothing gives me more joy than to sing and make music to the Lord!
Retiring from full-time work at The Bible Society last year has meant more time to serve within Good Shepherd, Though we are a small congregation, there is great life in the Spirit and we continue to grow in our relationship with Jesus and each other.

Peter Weber
Treasurer, sound and video operator
I came to know Christ in my twenties, thanks to my wife and a very determined and caring Pastor. We joined the new congregation at Eschol Park in 1982 and held some of the first services in our lounge room and the local School.
As the congregation grew, so did my faith and I began to serve with my God given gifts as sound technician, handyman and treasurer.
I love the worship at Good Shepherd and we have been blessed through the years with great teaching and faithful people.
I like the verses that comfort me. There are so many ... like Hebrews 13:8: 'Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever'.
One of my favorite Bible verses is from Ephesians 3:18,19 – 'And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.'