We’d love to welcome you, so please come and join us.
We are a vibrant church in the south-western suburbs of Sydney, Australia, passionately seeking to take the life-changing news of Jesus Christ to our community, our nation and the world.
At Good Shepherd we seek to enrich those who are already disciples of Jesus Christ, and to walk alongside those of you who are still contemplating the Christian faith and the unique claims Jesus made.
Wherever you're at, it is our deep desire to make you feel welcome here.
You will be greeted with a smile and invited to stay for a cuppa after worship. Children are always welcome and will be invited to join any activities happening on the day.
We’d love to welcome you, so please come and join us.
Worship details
9.30am each Sunday
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
16 Eschol Park Drive, Eschol Park (on the corner of Albillo Place)
Look for the silos!